1st place in the Winterhilfe Switzerland poster competition. Winterhilfe press release – Corinne Dietziker is this year's winner. She says: "When I think of my childhood, I immediately think of my soft toys, especially my teddy bear. It symbolises security and warmth. By freezing the teddy bear in the ice, I wanted to make the cold and poverty visible and imaginable to passers-by. Why did I choose ice? Winter aid has the word winter in it and I immediately think of cold, snow and ice. Winter aid is characterised by the warmth that melts the ice. In this case with a donation that shows love and care".
Dreams come true. Winterhilfe liked the teddy bear motif so much that they had teddy bears made from it and sold them for donations. My poster was recently added to the collection of the Museum of Design in Zurich.